Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Finals Week!

After my final in Computer Science, I decided to clean up the mess I'd made the last couple days, then remembered my commissioned project to create a star for #9's tree, so I cleaned a little and then sat down for a couple hours and came up with this wire-star. I then spray-painted it black, a nice finish, and it now looks super cool! Merry Christmas! :D (Dec. 7)
My final in 3D Design. It's a Peregrine Falcon found-object sculpture. This was fun. (Technically finished Dec. 7)
I think this is actually my favorite angle, because the "feathers" are just so cool--and so is the tail.
Side view. I thank Jeremy for providing the necessary piece that balanced the darn thing.
Falke! Sehr cool.

1 comment:

cakegirl said...

wow! you did a great job, i know it took alot of time! it's amazing - just like you!