Today is the first day of college. I don't have a class until 1:00, so what could I possibly do that's better than updating my blog?

Here's a nice out-of-the-ordinary art piece for me. I did this at the beginning of last year in AP Art after I saw the Sterling Scholar kid do something like it, so naturally I copied his ideas in my own sketchbook, because that's what I like to do.

I drew this charcoal spider at my Grandma and Grandpa Brown's house during the October General Conference last year.

This is a more recent sketch from this particular sketchbook. I did these in Koosharem after I found a load of animal books on a bookshelf, this last May. I then inked out the elk on 6-15-08.

I also did these on my Koosharem trip in May, but I only wanted to show the elephant because I hated the antelope when I was drawing it, so I stopped, and I still hate it now.

When I went to San Diego, I saw lots of booths for caricature drawing, so I decided I'd do my sister as we traveled back home on June 15th. This was my very first caricature, so sorry Hill, and sorry to all those I just gave eye spasms to.