Saturday, February 28, 2009


I always was kind of a hot-head, wasn't I?


Check it out!

Double Self-Portrait

Charcoal, 18" x 24"
This is not the best quality picture--I'll come back later to replace it, once I get the piece back. This is my Double Self-Portrait assignment for Drawing II. I was supposed to draw myself twice, with different expressions and also come up with a way to make the two portraits interact within the same composition. Thus I came up with the mirror idea--real original, I know, but it got the point across that I wanted to make. I can see myself the way that I am and the way I want others to see me as, but somehow I just can't make that side of me match up with the way I really present myself to others.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Finally Finished!

Wow. This is my 3rd 2-D Design project, it is based off a plier-knife thing. The assignment was to do abstractions and sketches and come up with a composition with at least one emphasis point that incorporated at least 5 of the sketches. I really like how this turned out, I was quite nervous up until about an hour ago when it started comin' together. So yes, I just finished it, minutes before Tuesday. Thus I label this piece:
18 x 24

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Much Better...

1 1/2 hours, Charcoal, 18 x 24

1 hour, Charcoal, 18 x 24

Friday, February 20, 2009

Nice Charcoal

1 1/2 hour session for this little portrait. Charcoal. both of these are on 18 x 24 paper and both done Tuesday, Feb. 17.
This is a 20 minute session with the same model, but I'm using a different approach/technique, and I zoomed in a bit.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Here's an ugly wanna-be self-portrait. I will only ever call it a study, though. It's actually more for learning to draw teeth.
This one's kinda freaky, too, and once again, the assignment was more about learning to draw teeth. This one also incorporated trying to learn how your face stretches when you yell. I wasn't angry enough to do it right. 2/4/09

D II Model

Our first modelf session--this is Allie, she's actually in my ward, I didn't know it 'till this semester, how embarrassing, I know.

Drawing II Stuffs

For a few weeks, we got to pair up and model for the other while they drew certain facial features, then we'd switch.
I think this is my 5th or 6th self portrait ever, I don't like the eyes, I think they're too big, but I guess it's ok, I prefer the style that is light-only--no lines.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Froehliche Valentinstag!

I designed my first Valentine's Day card for my friends. Hope it doesn't look too weird, especially in b/w, but I don't have a color printer, so I didn't bother with color...

Friday, February 13, 2009


My mom needed a line drawing of the brand-new, soon-to-be-dedicated Draper Temple, because she wanted to print the design onto an edible paper (I think) and put it on cookies for the New Beginnings Young Womens' activity--she does cakes and cupcakes and cookie stuff all the time, check out her site, it's posted on the right.

Saturday, February 7, 2009



This is my Part B of the abstraction assignment. It's a crop and enlargement of one of my abstractions. 18 x 24

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Abstraction Completed!

It's done! Part A is done! I was really happy with the way this project turned out, and I got lots of good feedback from my peers. Now I just have to choose a section of one of these to to crop and then enlarge to create another, new piece that is compositionally sound (and it has to be 18 x 24).

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I found out about "Graphic Styles" and using shapes with Blend tool today!