Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I did this last Thursday. I had started a painting last year on this masonite board, but it was terrible and it started to bother me lately, so I took outside and spray-painted over it. Now I'm thinking I might--that's a big, big, might--enter it into an exhibition, since I need to start thinking about that stuff now. I decided I might call this one, "Impressions," because it sounds like I had a purpose/process for doing the thing, which always scores points in the art world. I've also considered using spray paint as my little niche in the art department, because it's fast, cool, and lots of other people don't know about it as an art form, let alone know how to do it, so it could be a way for me to compete with other people. We'll see...

Web design

Hot off the press, is my submission for the eBiz suite website page design. I think it's way cool. Sehr schick.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

How I Spent My Saturday

More entries to logo contests. These were made on serious time-restrictions, 'cause I forgot about this company that I wanted to try a logo out with, so with 12 minutes left on the clock, I just submitted these two logos. They're supposed to look like those vault locks, because it's an investment/finance/insurance kind of company.
This one's the best of these two, but I'm not sure this logo is strong enough to win anything...oh well, they're kinda cool anyway, right?

Home Hunter Logo Possibility

Yet another logo entered into the contest, this one takes on more of the conept of an app or button, which should serve the company better than the other, since their product is supposed to be able to be used on one's phone.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Nemesis XG

Eines tages, gibt es einen Auto. Ein schoenes Auto. Es heisst, Nemesis, und es ist mein. Es ist super-schnell, und ist das Auto am besten! Haha, es tut mir leid dass mein Deutsch kaputt ist...

Logo Contest

I entered this logo into a contest, as I've recently found a website that companies can post a contest for a logo, and registered designers can then come up with ideas in the attempts to be ranked 1st, earning themselves at least $250. If I can start winning, maybe I will be able to continue goin' to college...:D

Monday, June 22, 2009

Traditional Art...

So maybe I've been a little biased towards my Graphic Design projects lately, and you thought I was dual-majoring. I have thus decided to display the little things I've done on the side. As pitiful as it is, these are actually almost all of the drawings I've done this whole summer. Above is another graffiti drawing, something that is becoming a favorite style of mine. It says, "can," by the way.
I bought some of George B. Bridgman's books and these are drawings I copied from his Book of a Hundred Hands. I, of course, take no credit what-so-ever for the drawings, I'm just showing how I've been attempting to emulate his cool style--especially with such a difficult subject as hands.
This is rather embarrassing, so naturally, I have to post it to the world wide web where everyone can see. This terrible smudge of charcoal is supposed to somewhat resemble the likeness of my little sister. Yeah, I know, needs serious work. I'm too lazy, though, and I justify it with these facts about it: 1) It's the first charcoal piece I've done since late April, 2) I only spent an hour on it last night, and 3) Hill thinks it's the coolest thing.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

What Weather Is This?

Here's a little picture I made inspired by the uncharacteristic weather that Utah has faced the past 17 days.

Rock Logos

My mom needed me to make a logo for youth conference, which will be at the Lava Hot Springs this year, lucky ducks. The theme is "R.O.C.K." meaning Reach, Obey, Something-that-starts-with-a-'C,' and Kneel. If we get shirts in time (y.c. is this Thurs and the screen-printers aren't available 'till Monday) then I'll get one of the extras, hooray! This would be the 2nd time one of my designs has ever been put on a shirt.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I'm still playing with Photoshop, so I'm messing with pictures of people. This is my cousin, Jonah, who plays lacrosse, so I figured I'd attempt a sports ad for him. Still not sure how I feel about this one.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Design Process

Here's a couple ideas I've been messing around with for the "final" Syncnet logo. I think I've done a pretty good job this time, and I like how doing all this kinda stuff at work makes me know that graphic design is what I want to put all my time into for school and a career.
Above are some Baroque patterns I designed today for some sweet cake decorating products I'm coming up with.

This is another of the random designs I have to make as "product manager" and "graphic designer" of Syncnet, Inc. Feelin' pretty official, if I do say so myself.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Another Batch Of Button Upgrades

These are a few examples of the new system buttons for Syncnet's main product, eBiz Suite. We've now, for the most part, gotten our graphics up to par with the rest of the latest and greatest! I have to say I really like these--and as a sidenote I did not design the icons, we bought them...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Button Upgrade

This what I did today: made upgrades on most of the graphics and buttons on the cake decorating site--which launched into business Monday! It's finally up and running, and now it's got cool buttons :D. I guess I ought to get back to work now...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Photo Editing Streak

A fall in Silver Falls State Park.
Silver Falls State Park.
Could ya guess? Silver Falls.
My mom's flowers.
Astoria column.
I recently discovered how much fun it is to mess with pictures on photoshop. I made some really bad pictures turn out pretty cool, though I still have no success selling them on stock photo sites. Can't wait to learn how to edit photos the right way, but I'd say I've done an OK job for just messing around with settings. So here's just a random couple of pictures and a cake that I drew a few days ago in Illustrator.
Cake. Yum.
My friend Jacinda on the trail to Ghost Falls behind the Draper Temple.

View on the way to Multnomah Falls.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Swiss Flags

This was kind of an experiement to see what I can come up with and to see if actually want to finish this idea with all 300 other flags out there...more to come? Maybe.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Defender

Had some fun with the image below, so I cropped it and threw in an abstract background. Pretty cool, right?
I just love Illustrator so much. This is a greek warrior guy with a logo-feel to it. I didn't finish the bottom, because I kinda like it like that and it looks weird cropped. There's my little night-time project for ya.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Cake Ads, Cupcake Ads, They're All Pretty Sweet (Don't Mind The Pun)

I like this one a lot. Talk about a sweet ad for cakes.
After the first one (below) I started having more fun with 'em.

My job is way too fun. The assignment today, and technically from here on out, is managing product creation. Believe it or not, these ads I made are actually products--these are just the images, however. I also really really like these and claim all intellectual rights to them, as well as actual legal rights, as these are all copyright (c) Syncnet, Inc. 2009 with all rights reserved.