12) This was my attempt at the whole "fire and ice" theme, so I tried doing an icy landscape with a frozen river or something with a strange looking moon/planet. Not my favorite

13) Look familiar? I thought it did too, when I was painting it, I had painted all these cards (can't remember if I did 12, though) outside my classroom at Alta, because I was running out of time and I decided I wouldn't waste a whole period just because I was doing spray paints, so I snuck them into school. There happened to be a sub that day, not that that would have allowed or prevented me from my plans, but I asked her if I could and I showed her the cards I had already finished, which impressed her to find that I had done them in spray paint (which is pretty darn sweet, I'll admit) and she let me leave the classroom and go outside to paint in the slightly rainy conditions, forcing me to paint underneath the classroom window because directly above was a slight overhanging roof that made a dry spot just big enough to place my styrofoam spray board with my cards to be painted. Anyway, when I came in and looked at the other cards I had done, I realized that I had done practically the exact same stinkin' card as this one, only the other one had a smaller moon/planet. I quickly traded one of them with the girl that wasn't there on trading day so no one else would see that I had made two very similar cards.

14) Cool color scheme, I guess, and nice triangular approach to composition. Triangle=dynamic.

15) I think either Eston or Bradley ended up with this one, if you knew either of them, you'd know that it certainly plays to their tastes.

16) I gave this one to Greta, my Italian exchange student as well as some others because I ended up with extras after trading day--the procrastinators didn't get them all finished, so I didn't get to trade with everyone I wanted to.

17) My last one. Good thing, too, because I was runnin' out of ideas.
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