Monday, October 18, 2010


My design for the Alcohol Awareness week poster that will be up in all the Aggie Shuttle Buses!

Brand ID Design

Brand Identity Design is the best class ever. I have sky-rocketed in my skill with Graphic Design. I'll almost make the claim that I'm good. Really good. Here's a quick summary of the projects I've had throughout the semester.
This one's due this Wednesday; for a venture capital company, I'll sell it to ya later.

Boo at the Zoo logo, for a seasonal event, any zoo.
Venture Point, the product of an arduous group process. The group made up the software and company and mission/positioning statement. Each group member made their own logo, this is mine.
Another logo with my initials. Dynamic, figure-ground relationship, pretty much awesome.

The otter. Our first assignment was to abstract an animal. My teacher complimented me very highly by saying it's almost a portfolio piece.