Monday, October 18, 2010

Brand ID Design

Brand Identity Design is the best class ever. I have sky-rocketed in my skill with Graphic Design. I'll almost make the claim that I'm good. Really good. Here's a quick summary of the projects I've had throughout the semester.
This one's due this Wednesday; for a venture capital company, I'll sell it to ya later.

Boo at the Zoo logo, for a seasonal event, any zoo.
Venture Point, the product of an arduous group process. The group made up the software and company and mission/positioning statement. Each group member made their own logo, this is mine.
Another logo with my initials. Dynamic, figure-ground relationship, pretty much awesome.

The otter. Our first assignment was to abstract an animal. My teacher complimented me very highly by saying it's almost a portfolio piece.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi. I would like to know if I could use your otter design with my company. I find it really nice.

I'm working as a therapist with disable kids in Qc and I would like to make the otter the logo for my 4 to 6 years old group!

Let me know how much you ask for it!
