#7. Funny thing about this one, I did this one and I did another one (see number 13. [coming soon]) and once you see it, you'll understand. It was purely accident, so I quickly got rid of one of 'em to a girl that was gone on trading day so that no one else would realize what I had done. To fully understand, just remember to look for #13 when I post it in the future.

#8. I don't remember anything significant about this one.

#9. This one was modelled after a bunch of the ones on youtube with the whole grid thing. The city didn't turn out so great, but I did realize that I had a whole complimentary-color scheme goin' on, so that pleased me.

#10. All I can say is that I hate it.
#11. This once actually was the first one I did, but I originally painted it with acrylics, because I had a whole class to figure out what to do, and I obviously didn't have my spray paint with me because I think that it was the day we actually got the assignment. So I painted it first, then went back and spraypainted over it.
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