Ahh! What is that hideous thing? Why, that's my blind-contour self-portrait I had to do for Drawing I. I do hope this actually gets my hand-eye coordination better, rather than just make me feel stupid.

Here's an older sketch book page from about two weeks ago. I drew this stuff on my way down to Sandy for the Labor Day Weekend. I was trying to figure out the whole web 2.0 designs that day and also just trying to come with ideas for quick logos. I did the self-portrait (basically my first ever) looking in the side-view mirror, because I rode in shotgun. Even though the dark shadow conceals a lot of my face/important features like my eyes, I think it has a stunning resemblance. I'm amazing.
good job Picasso!!!!!!
you commented! THANK YOU!! I'll even ignore the fact that you're making fun and comparing me to my second-least favorite artist in the world.
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