Here's a piece I was working on, but now I've decided to quickly try and make it into a blog background for my college life blog--I found some code, but still need to work out the details.
Hey what's your college life blog? You can message me on Facebook if you don't want to post it. Unless, of course, you don't want me to have it either! :)
My name is Jess Brown. I play percussion and was a snare on the USU drumline. I am pursuing a major in graphic design.
Like what you see? Hire me! Contact me at
Horseman timelapse
Here’s a condensed time lapse of my horseman tutorial from session 3. I love the music from Otis MacDonald. You
can see the full 2 ...
Infinity Mickey and gang
Mickey is such a hard character to get right. Even the smallest mistakes
can make him look wrong, so adding our own stylistic twist was a challenge.
Hey what's your college life blog? You can message me on Facebook if you don't want to post it. Unless, of course, you don't want me to have it either! :)
jess this is so cool! :)
hmm...Kierstin, giving you my college blog is...complicated, I've been debating this all day long...I may have to explain myself in person. :D Yeah...
It's all good! :)
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